Moving from ‘Busy’ to Working Less and Achieving More


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Recently I’ve been experimenting with different ways to achieve more balance and work more efficiently – to get more done in less time and minimise distractions whilst boosting productivity. Like Continue Reading →

Is Your Childhood Keeping You Stuck?


Do you remember your childhood dreams? Of what you wanted to be when you grew up? What excited you then? What would get you excited NOW in what you’d like Continue Reading →

Which Way Now? Foolproof Ways to Explore and Discover Your Purpose (Part 2)


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Following on from my previous post  Are You Living Your Purpose?, here are some specific suggestions to try out to help you can gain greater clarity about what you want Continue Reading →

Are You Living Your Purpose? (Part 1)


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There’s a common theme amongst many of my clients, whether that’s private coaching clients or the groups that I train, coach and mentor within organisations – and it’s that I Continue Reading →

Finding Freedom from Painful Emotions


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Many of us are taught from an early age to suppress, hide or run away from our feelings. We often engage in a myriad of distractions to avoid looking within. Continue Reading →