Welcome to MindFlame

MindFlame offers fresh, practical insights and perspectives and unique strategies to create REAL transformations in your career, mindset, leadership and wellbeing.

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Executive Coaching
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Supporting professionals, executives, leaders and organisations to achieve career and business success, improve leadership and management skills, and develop enhanced resilience and wellbeing.

Do any of these ring true for you, or your team?

  You've lost your spark and want to feel more lit up and inspired
→  You're seeking more clarity and a focused career strategy

→  You're a leader or senior professional looking to secure that next-level position
→  You want a business or career that has meaning and plays to your strengths

→  You feel stuck and are not sure WHY or WHAT to do about it
  You want to get beyond self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or getting in your own way

→  You want to improve your performance and achieve accelerated results
→  You need to uplevel your presence and impact and refresh your personal brand

  You feel burnt out or overwhelmed and want to recover energy, or get back on track
  You struggle with procrastination, and want to feel more focus, flow and accomplishment

  You know what you want, but need the right support, tools and motivation to get you there
→  You are secretly struggling, striving and surviving, trying to 'figure everything out' - on your own

If any of this sounds like you, you're in the right place.


Get beyond your blocks and develop the mindset, strategies and support to create balance and achieve success in your life, work and career


Practical, inspiring support for leaders and employees to reduce stress, boost resilience and performance and thrive in work and career

Leaders & Executives

 A safe space and sounding board to explore and resolve issues, identify blindspots, strategise & innovate and uplevel mindset, wellbeing, leadership and performance

Key Areas of Specialism:

♦ Career, passion and purpose

♦ Mindset, success and performance

♦ Managing change and transitions

♦ Confidence and clarity

♦ Reducing stress and resolving burnout

♦ Mental and emotional fitness

♦ Boosting resilience and WELLBEING

♦ Transformational leadership & empowered women's leadership

Hello, I'm Rosemary Lowe...

Mindset, resilience, wellbeing and careers expert. Executive, Business and Career Coach for professionals, executives, leaders, and organisations who want to achieve 

Mindset + Business + Career Mastery
PLUS enhanced resilience & wellbeing


♦ Multi-certified Career, Executive and Leadership Coach
♦ Master Transformational Health Coach & Mental Fitness Coach
♦ Experienced NLP, Embodiment and Wellbeing Practitioner
♦ Career & Leadership Professional for 25+ years

For the past three decades I've researched, trained in, and worked with career and leadership development, wellbeing, resilience, systems-thinking and human behaviour, potential and performance.

I've delved deep into studying the psychology of success and transformation, helping thousands of clients, groups and teams to overcome their struggles and challenges and achieve their desired goals in life, business and career.

My work is underpinned by The MindFlame MethodTM, my unique multi-dimensional approach that blends principles from neuroscience, behavioural science and psychology, together with an understanding of how the mind-brain-body and energy systems interact together to create success and achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Here's what I know - our 'mindset' is crucial, yet TRUE success and transformation involves much more!

Through my research and work with thousands of clients, I've found that our measures for wellbeing and success are often based on struggling and striving and they either don't work, or fail to create lasting satisfaction and fulfillment.


In the wise words of Albert Einstein:

"We can't solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them"

Using my proven framework, The MindFlame MethodTM, I work with professionals, executives, business owners and leaders to transcend their limits, move beyond cycles of stress, overwhelm and burnout, to navigating their lives and careers with calm, confidence and feeling more focused, fulfilled and in control.

My approach blends modern science with timeless wisdom, blending 30+ years of business, leadership, career development, mindset, psychology, neuroscience and behavioural science, plus the latest resilience and wellbeing research to create desired results and sustainable change.

We focus on your inner flame - finding out what motivates and inspires you (lights you up), and also your inner game (mindset, patterns, programming, beliefs and required conditions for thriving) - as well as optimum strategies for achieving confidence and success at a personal and professional level.

★ Uplevelling your ‘inner', as well as 'outer' game is what makes the BIGGEST difference

  My unique mix of expert coaching, mentoring and training helps you to achieve that next level of business or career success and uncover fears, blocks and blindspots to see what's REALLY keeping you stuck, or limited.

  I support you to overcome self-doubt and sabotage, transform imposter syndrome, befriend your inner critic and enhance your capacity for self-leadership and self-connection.

  You'll transform your self-identity around what's possible and available for you in life and work and prime your mind for success and thriving.

  Reduce stress and burnout and develop resilience using mind-body based practices to release tension, rebalance your nervous system and recalibrate your energy. You'll feel happier, stronger, perform better and be able to truly enjoy your success, whilst creating sustainable wellbeing.

Real change and success are created from the inside-out


My pioneering coaching and training methodology, The MindFlame MethodTM is an integrated transformational framework. It uses a blended, systems-thinking approach to uncover and resolve root causes of challenges and issues, as well as identifying what IS working well.

This enables you to breakthrough limits, fast-track success and rapidly achieve desired results and outcomes in your life, work and business.


∗ Change often won't stick if we just focus on 'mindset' - as most issues and problems have a strong emotional, energetic and behavioural component.

This expert method reviews each system (individual and collective) to create LASTING transformation - addressing mind, emotions, habits and behaviour to achieve real, EMBODIED wellbeing.

The MindFlame MethodTM blends three decades of research and expertise where I've trialled, tested and 'figured out' the missing pieces of the puzzle -
so that you don't have to!

My expert guidance and laser-focused coaching, consulting and training will help to save you years of lost time, energy, money, disappointing performance and results, plus missed life and work opportunities and rapidly fast-track your journey to SUCCESS and THRIVING!

Key benefits can include:

Clarity, Confidence and Mindset

 Greater clarity and a clear sense of purpose and direction

  Feel inspired, fulfil your potential and use your strengths and talents in what you do

✓  Clear and resolve what's been keeping you stuck, stopped and limited

✓  Navigate change and transitions with confidence, resilience and ease

✓  Overcome imposter syndrome - own your true worth and value and expand your capacity for receiving

  Increase influence, impact and courage - to lead with authority, integrity and conviction

 Transcend self-doubt, self-sabotage and self-criticism - and replace with self-trust, self-belief and self-compassion as your new best friends and allies!

Career & Business, Productivity and Purpose

  Enjoy career and business success and fulfilment

  Create a strong personal brand and clear positioning of your skills, strengths and experience

  Develop a strategic plan and map out desired outcomes for your career or business  

  Take aligned action to achieve your goals (at a personal, professional and organisational level)

  Improve focus and flow and increase productivity and performance - stress less, achieve more

Wellbeing, Inner Calm and Presence

  Stop self-sacrifice and people-pleasing - establish healthy boundaries and develop wise discernment

  Set clear agreements and expectations and get your needs met

✓  Enhance your wellbeing and create balance without burnout

✓  Tone down overthinking and feel more joy and ease

✓  Experience greater levels of mental and emotional freedom, inner calm and contentment

 Develop resilience and self-compassion and learn embodiment practices to protect and nourish your nervous system, and enjoy greater health and wellbeing

Create a strong inner foundation for living, loving and leading to create a satisfying life and career

✓  Feel more authentic - experience real connections and communication with your partner, family, friends, colleagues, clients and wider community


High Impact Training

Develop the skills and talents of leaders and employees through training and facilitation that's engaging and relevant to real life and work.

Includes a powerful blend of practical exercises, insights-based coaching and training based on:

- Leadership development
- Career strategy and strengths coaching
- Resilience, stress and wellbeing
- Behavioural science and psychology
- Neuroscience & neurobiology

Creating interactive and enjoyable learning experiences, using an evidence-based and trauma-informed approach

Masterclasses, Workshops and Courses

Expert workshops, masterclasses and courses on these topics:

- Mastering resilience
- Resilience & leadership
- Wellbeing & balance without burnout
- Optimise your mindset to fulfil your potential
- Growth & success mindset
- Career mapping & taking charge of your career
- Women's Leadership & Transformational Leadership

These can be adapted to suit your specific needs.

See Training & Development

"Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go and do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."   – Howard Thurman

Interested? Ready to find out more?

Coaching Services

Get beyond blocks and blindspots. Develop the clarity, mindset, strategies and support to achieve desired results in life, work, business and career

Training & Development

Practical, inspiring support for leaders and employees to reduce stress, increase resilience and performance and thrive in life, work and career

Leadership Support

Executive coaching and a safe space to explore issues & blindspots, strategise and innovate and uplevel mindset, wellbeing and performance

Moving from ‘Busy’ to Working Less and Achieving More

Recently I’ve been experimenting with different ways to achieve more balance and work more efficiently – to get more done in less time and minimise distractions whilst boosting productivity. Like Continue Reading →

Successful virtual working from home (including homeschooling)

A huge proportion of the workforce here in the UK has shifted to working from home this week.  Plus if you’re a working parent, then the news that UK schools Continue Reading →

Which Way do You ‘Chunk’? – How the way we process information affects our relationships

A key aspect that can affect our communication within relationships is how we each evaluate and process information.  I realised this many years ago, when I trained as a Neuro Continue Reading →

Practising Gratitude and Overcoming Resistance

Gratitude could be said to mean ‘great attitude’. Whereas gratefulness occurs in response to something, gratitude can be something that we consistently practice, rather than having to be in response Continue Reading →

Is Your Childhood Keeping You Stuck?

Do you remember your childhood dreams? Of what you wanted to be when you grew up? What excited you then? What would get you excited NOW in what you’d like Continue Reading →

Which Way Now? Foolproof Ways to Explore and Discover Your Purpose (Part 2)

Following on from my previous post  Are You Living Your Purpose?, here are some specific suggestions to try out to help you can gain greater clarity about what you want Continue Reading →

Are You Living Your Purpose? (Part 1)

There’s a common theme amongst many of my clients, whether that’s private coaching clients or the groups that I train, coach and mentor within organisations – and it’s that I Continue Reading →

What’s Your Love Language?

Do you know what your ‘love language’ is? – or that of your partner if you’re in a relationship? Or if you’re a parent, do you know what your child’s Continue Reading →

Finding Freedom from Painful Emotions

Many of us are taught from an early age to suppress, hide or run away from our feelings. We often engage in a myriad of distractions to avoid looking within. Continue Reading →

Finding the ‘Spirit’ and Fulfilment in Everyday Life

In today’s fast-paced culture (certainly in the West) there is a growing hunger for ways in which we can nourish our souls and tune in more to our ‘being’, rather Continue Reading →

It’s What FEELS Good That Counts…

Do you make it a regular practice to check in with your feelings – asking yourself what FEELS good? It’s a worthwhile practice to cultivate as it’s our feelings that Continue Reading →

Developing a Growth Mindset

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Albert Einstein. There’s a lot of talk about ‘mindset’ these days – Continue Reading →

How to Get Good Things to ‘Grow’ in Your Life

We each have different levels of mind – these include our conscious mind, subconscious mind and unconscious mind. The conscious mind is like the gardener – the one that plants Continue Reading →

When Stress Can Be Good for You

Did you know that there’s a positive form of stress that has a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being? It’s called eustress. This type of stress could Continue Reading →

Organisations worked with include:


Happy clients

"Rosemary is an extremely competent professional, she coached me during a period of transition during my professional life and her insight about career options and how to go about updating CVs and presentation skills was invaluable. Her extensive experience in career development and coaching is supported by her knowledge of techniques to improve wellbeing. In that respect, Rosemary has a unique set of skills that allows her to provide well rounded support to her clients not only professionally but at a personal level. I highly recommend Rosemary and my career progression was very much the result of her support and training."

Patricia Holley, Manager of the Jean Goulding Institute for Data-Intensive Research, University of Bristol and Turing University Liaison Manager


"Rosemary delivers high quality training and has a passion and enthusiasm for her subject that really engages delegates. She puts in a high level of effort to make her training valuable and informative and will go to extra lengths to provide coaching clients with the support they need."

Laura Little, Learning and Development Manager, CABA - supporting ICAEW firms and members from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

"I loved working with Rosemary. She has a natural ability to connect and build strong connections and made me feel at ease.  From the very beginning of the first session, I felt safe and understood. Rosemary has a wealth of life experience and is able to relate to what's going on, and give feedback when needed. Her patience and curiosity allowed me to explore my beliefs and holdbacks, and then she gracefully led me to change them to more empowering ones. I can not recommend working with Rosemary enough!"

Joanna Fiminiska, NHS Operational Manager

"Before working with Rosemary I felt daunted about setting up by myself but as we worked together I found myself become more excited and passionate about the business I am trying to build. I am still in the early days but find myself with more confidence and clarity on how I want to take things forward. I also feel that I have some really good tools to use to help me stay on track with my life vision and my values. I had never been coached before working with Rosemary and was unsure how it would work out but it has been a transformational experience for me. I would recommend Rosemary to anyone who is trying to work out their life goals and ways in which to apply them to your working life"

Fiona Young Priest, Charity Consultant

"Since working with Rosemary, I can honestly say I have changed my life.  My stress and anxiety has massively reduced and I now have new techniques to help me stay calm and focused and perceive and think differently.  She knows so much about the mind and body and brain and how they are all connected and explains things in a practical way that even an obsessive thinker like me could grasp. Her techniques really work. I no longer have racing thoughts and don't feel stuck anymore.  She helped me get out of survival mode and back into living and loving my life again. Her methods have had a really transformational impact on my life and wellbeing and I feel much calmer and happier - I'm now much more present in work and family life - plus I have tools to help me stay on track and no longer get derailed or overwhelmed when things happen now"

Paul, Partner, Legal Services Professional